This is great, I haven’t tried forced rhubarb before but will try find in the shops before the season goes. I thought Riverford would have it so have been looking but can’t seem to find. Quick question for the jams, do I just have to flip and leave in a regular mason jar? Do I have to do a water bath or any extra preserving step or will it be okay just like that if I let it sit 24 hours?

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Hi Katie! You can use Mason jars or two-piece jars for the jam. They should be hot, filled nearly to the brim with hot jam, then closed as tightly as possible, flipped 1-2 minutes, then set aside 24 hours.

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Thank you very much! I went to the market this morning and they had it - I think! I asked him if it was forced and he didn’t know what I meant but showed me the box and it said Yorkshire rhubarb? Anyway it looks similar so I picked up 800g and plan to do a half batch of your jam and the syrup later today.

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I’ve made the syrup and jam! Syrup is a beautiful hue of pink, excited to use in drinks. I’ve made the jam and it’s currently just flipped so will wait 24 hours. I had a gap that was maybe an inch though instead of the 1/4, 1/8th it asks for. Is that okay? Can it be stored room temp until it’s opened and then store in fridge?

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Able and Cole haven’t had it either but we got some at Waitrose

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Hi Katie, the only issue with the larger headspace is that the jar might not seal. After 24 hours (upright! the flip is just for 1-2 minutes), check the seal. If it's sealed, great! You can put it in the cupboard. If not, pop it in the fridge where it should last at least 3 months if not longer.

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