I love your thoughtful instructions, I’m surprised you didn’t suggest putting sugar in food processor to make it superfine. I find this helps with the grittiness issue.

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Carol that is SMART! I hasn’t even thought of that. I’m going to try it! Is that your technique? Love it! Thank you.

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I made this today! As always, great recipe - I only had a tiny bit of weeping. The base didn’t stick but was soft - do you shape on one tray which you then place on top of the tray heating in the oven or do you transfer the pavlova itself onto the hot tray directly somehow without it collapsing?

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So, the pizza stone itself holds a lot of heat (not too much though) so shaping and baking on that gives me good results, I find, as it retains more heat even as the oven cools. If you don't have one I would double tray it. I'll update the newsletter to make that clearer! If you want to dry out the base, pop it back into the oven. It won't damage it at all, now the middle is set!xxx

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Got it - adding pizza stone to my shopping list - along with an infra-red thermometer, which I have been obsessed with ever since you mentioned them! x

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Oh my god! I love them. Definitely get one. Just thinking - the weeping may mean your oven runs a bit cold. In which case, you might think about heating a little higher to begin with and cooking slightly above 100. Hard to know without being in your kitchen with you (one day would love to do IRL teaching!!!) xxx

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Well the oven is old and dodgy and glass is slightly loose - so very happy to blame the oven - I would be ashamed of you ever saw it though! I might even have to buy the thermometer to compensate for my oven shame. x

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I have the same question about the double tray… do you shape on a cold tray and then put the cold tray on top of a hot tray that’s been in the oven? Or do you put two trays in the oven and then shape the pav onto the two hot trays?

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This is incredibly helpful thank you. I love all of your posts! After reading all of this however, I’m left wondering…how do you serve it? Sooonfuls, slices, everyone have at it with their fork?

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Hey Julie! I serve it by the slice. It might be a bit messy on top but it is sliceable. You can also put it in the fridge for firm the cream up for 30 mins before serving and it should slice really neatly! (though the crust might crumble)

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Oh thank you for this!

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Hello, I am so curious to know if you have oven temp. recommendations for ovens that are not fan assisted? I am eager to nail 'chewy' pavlova perfection; and I am grateful for your detailed instructions here....Many Thanks.

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I am about to make this beauty and i am wondering if egg whites' temperature plays any role. I do remember when I was going through a macaron phase in my life (thank god it is over...), it was suggested to have your egg whites at room temp.

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Forget cooking a pavlova in humidity. It’s a disaster. From tropical Sydney

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Wonderful recipe but couple notes for the people making the smaller version.

I used a thermometer inside my oven and even at the stated temps, the bottom was still soft. Unfortunately I didn’t have time to pop it back in, so just left to cool in turned off oven for 2 hours.

I’d suggest using a pre heated tray as mentioned in the notes but not in written recipe, or baking for a little longer until it slides easily off the baking paper.

I whisked on setting 4-6 on my kitchen aid for 25 mins after the sugar had been added, as it took this long to get rid of the sugar. Had a nice glossy stiff meringue but it wasn’t necessarily enough for 4-6 people. Created a nest and filled with 200ml cream, this served 3 people.

Nice and mallowy inside, just needed a touch longer :)

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First meringue I’ve ever made that actually worked! 🙌 thank you!

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Yup, it is. I make pavlova for birthday cakes, as I have a daughter who is gluten intolerant. For a filling I like ricotta and whipping cream plus strawberries of course.

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I’m not quite sure where I went awry but my meringue deflated quite a bit when I added the sugar and after 35 minutes on 4-6 of my kitchen aid it was still very grainy. Even after a further 10 minutes on speed 10 it remained grainy. I stopped at this point as it was getting very sticky and reduced in size, and the mixer was getting hot. Any idea where I sent wrong? Never had this problem before.

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wow amazing post! going to try the pizza stone next time. thank you!

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Thanks so much for this!! I tried today but didn’t get passed soft peaks even after 40 min.. but I played with the speed of the whipping because my machine has 12 speeds and 10-12 are for “whipping” so wasn’t sure if I should do 10 or go lower to 8 or 9 for “creaming/beating”.. so next time I’ll stick it out with a speed.

I still just scooped it in a cake tin to see what it’ll do and at least have an Eton for mess 😂

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YOU ARE INCREDIBLE Nicola! Thank you so much for this pavlova deep dive!

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