May 19Liked by Nicola Lamb

Lovely list as always, Nicola!

Does anyone out there have a good source of mangoes in Scotland? I’m in the north but would travel for mangoes!

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You could try IndiFresh or Red Rickshaw for delivery! But hopefully someone has more info in this comment section :)

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Thanks! Sadly the exorbitant shipping costs to the Highlands usually put me off but I’ll have a look around! 🙏

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You can buy stupendously good mangoes from Southern Spain via Crowdfarming. Keitt and Osteen varieties particularly good. All hugely better than shop bought mangoes. We've been buying for 3 years now. Season is late Sep through Oct.

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Ah thanks - I’ve looked at Crowdfarming before but sadly they don’t ship to the Highlands 😔

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If you've got someone who can forward them for you that will be worth it - I realised I'd never tasted good mangoes 'til we started to buy from Crowdfarming. They're shipped slightly un-ripe so we keep them in the fridge and take them out for about 3 days ripening. So you shoud be OK with extra transit via a forwarding friend.

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Thanks so much - I’ll keep an eye out for them later in the summer!

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Thanks for a magnificent post! Love these mango recipes a favourite in our house is a mango lassi, lovely in a cheese cake (extra lush with white chocolate), my favourite is a mango sorbet, it just tastes pure Alphonso, I’ve discovered posset I also love them in sambols and curries for the unripe sour ones. Such a versatile fruit.

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OOH, I hadn't thought of cheesecake. Such a good idea. And I WISH i could get unripe sour ones - i mainly get mushed up semi ripe ones haha. Ahhhh to have an endless supply of mangoes!!!

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Let’s not forget chutneys and pickles the spread the joy further!

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In Europe we can buy stupendously good mangoes from Southern Spain via Crowdfarming. Keitt and Osteen varieties particularly good. All hugely better than shop bought mangoes.

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This is all so lovely! We have a grove of mango trees and mango season is the best. It is sorta winding down now but we’ve had quite a season. In the last 3 months we’ve had it yellow and ripe or green and tart (we usually eat the unripe ones with bagoong fermented shrimp paste), quick pickled, frozen into ice popsicles, made into icebox cake, baked into cheesecake, and fermented with gochugaru sorta kkakdugi style. I’ve never made curd or panna cotta from it though. Sounds divine! If you ever get a chance to try mangoes from Southeast Asia I’d urge you to try Philippine mangoes as they’ve largely been declared the sweetest in the world! 🥭

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Hi Nicola, another recipe you could add to your repertoire is Mangomisu, sooo yum. Love all the recipes you have included in this post. If my son who loves to cook wants mangos he may have to travel a little further than your list on the map. He lives in Surbiton, but I’m sure there would be a Supermarket or greengrocer nearby, maybe Kingston on Thames.

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What a magnificent newsletter ❤️ You have inspired me to go in search of the best mangoes in Cambridge !!

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